Our parish finances depend on the generosity of all our parishioners. Funds are donated to the parish in the following ways:

  • Giving Online Is Easy. You can do so on this website.

  • The weekly collection is the ordinary way money is contributed to the church. Everyone is urged to use the contribution envelopes provided or take advantage of the electronic giving program. Please give generously and according to your means for "God loves a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:7

  • Special collections happen occasionally. The Diocese of Peoria designates most of these collections. The money is used for many charitable purposes so please give generously.

  • The Annual Diocesan Appeal is an annual drive held for the purpose of contributing to the needs of the diocese as a whole. This is the only time throughout the year that our parishioners are asked to support the diocese. This collection is a reminder that the Catholic Church extends beyond our parish.

  • The Endowment Funds for Blessed Sacrament School and Parish were established to ensure the future financial security of both institutions. Contributions can be made at any time by simply mailing in a donation or dropping it in the collection.

  • Bequests are a very important part of the long-term financial security of our parish. Please remember Blessed Sacrament Parish in your will.

  • Each month the Finance Council of Blessed Sacrament meets with the pastor to discuss financial concerns in the parish. The Finance Council monitors all budgeting and spending in the parish in consultation with the pastor. Members of the council give a financial report to the parish at the end of the fiscal year.

2022 Annual Financial Report

Finance Council Members:

  • Leslie Vallar

  • Ben Getz

  • Derek McCully

  • Mike Rochford

  • Mike Zeller

  • Denise Henderson

  • Kim Gryl, Accountant

  • Julie Blair, Trustee

  • Andy Honegger, Trustee

  • Father Adam Cesarek, Pastor